A believer is not a sinner

Do you know that if you sin as a child of God, the Devil still doesn't have power to afflict you immediately? He doesn't but you have created a loophole, an hedge over you has been broken meaning you have created a legal ground for him to come in. 

Now, this is where the whole matter lies - if you confess your sin immediately and repent, you will quickly close that hedge but when you cover your sin - off course the Holy Spirit will leave you and you will by yourself begin to run away from God because you feel dirty, unholy and unqualified to approach God, he will make you belief that God will not forgive you. The devil will also make you belief that confessing will bring shame and humiliation then as you hold back he keeps tormenting and torturing you, he will then have full access to afflict you because God is no longer covering you because you ran away from His presence by yourself, you have given him power to do that, he wont be able to afflict him if he quickly close the gap by confessing and repenting. 
Proverbs 28: 13 "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy". 
The above scripture is self explanatory. 

Psalms 91:1 "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty".

When you dwell you abide. This scripture made more sense to me the day I was walking with my little niece under the scorching sun. I made her walk in my shadow while I took the heat of the sun. I was very intentional about protecting so as long as she walked in my shadow, I protected her from the hot sun. That's exactly what happens and much more when you dwell in His secret place.

Beloved, if you sin, don't remain in sin, rise up immediately, confess, repent and forsake it. Jesus loves you. The believer is not meant to sin but if you do sin, you are not a condemned sinner, you have an advocate, God made a way for us to come out of sin immediately. 

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#Inspired By The Movie: Alone In The Dark

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