This is why so many Christians die untimely

 By Peace Wobo

Few Lessons from Abattoir Season 5 Episode 12.
This series has been powerful, interesting, intriguing and educating especially for me as a believer but I just want to focus on the lessons I learnt from Season 5 Episode 12 of Abattoir. The suspense and revelation is mind blowing.

What came to my mind as a befitting title for all the lessons learnt is "this is the reason why so many Christians die untimely".  They die not because God doesn't speak or warns but because they were stubborn and allowed pride to blind fold them.

Rules are good but as children of God we must be so in tune with the Holy Spirit to sense when He's asking us to be flexible or ignore some rules. God has the ultimate rule for us as believers. Man made rules are not always 100 💯 accurate especially when it comes to our personal dealings with God.

The lessons 
  1. Everything they needed for a successful missionary trip at Karuwa Village God spoke, revealed and warned through Makin but Dele and especially Nicholas choose to form deaf ear because they felt they were more spiritually matured and as Executives their decisions rules out every other person's view or opinion. 
  2. God has a reason for saving the street boys/girls too, and bringing them to the body of Christ. Sometimes, all God needs to achieve His mandate is the experience of that street boy or girl that He has saved to Himself. 
  3. As leaders, we must learn to listen to people. In the multitude of counsel there is safety. Listen to counsel especially when the people counseling you are doing so out of a sincere heart and love for God and the brethren. 
  4. Let's not be too rigid. Let's not be rigid to the point that we fail to sense even when God is speaking to us through someone.
  5. That someone gave his/her life to Christ today while you have been born again for decades doesn't make him/her a lesser child of God, God can use anybody to speak to us. It takes humility to actually listen to people especially those that came to Christ through us. 
  6. For me, if Dele dies in the next episode, nothing else killed him but pride and stubbornness. The Bible admonishes us to watch and pray, no man goes to a strong man's house without first of all binding the strong man, Jesus Himself said that. Makin encouraged them to seek God's face first but unlike Dele,  he took this missionary journey without seeking God first.
  7. Stubbornness, pride and lack of sensitivity kills Christians.
  8. One thing we must guard against as believers especially as Christian leaders is becoming too familiar with God that we can just make decisions thinking we have God's backing because it is a kingdom based decision. Going on a missionary trip is good and acceptable before God, but if we must go, then we must go with God's leading, go with God's instructions, go with God's timing, we must go in God's own way.
These are lessons I learnt and I pray that  God helps me not to make or repeat this mistakes in Jesus name Amen 

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