The Man I want

We only have one life to live and God desires for us to live it to the fullest. Knowing what God wants for us as well as knowing God's will for our lives and living in His will is most perfect. Here is my desire which is only in line with God's will for my life as a believer. 

Marriage is the most beautiful union God made and that's why the enemy is really fighting against it but if you get it right from the beginning, you are good to enjoy heaven on earth. A lot of people have asked me if I believe in love or want to get married. I don't know why those questions keep coming but let me boldly say it here, Yes! I believe in love because God is love and I desire to get married some day but not just to anyone but the one.

Below is the qualities of the man I want: (few words and lines from Michelle Hammond on "What to do until love finds you".)

I want a man, not just any man
I want God's man
kingdom appointed
A husband, a father, a friend,
a spiritual head, a brother, a protector
for such a woman as me....

I want a prayer and study partner,
A giver,
A visionary man that understands God's purpose for his life and marriage,
One who has a personal relationship with the Father and will never go back on his words....

I want a home, not just any home
A home that Jesus is the sure
Heaven on earth
Filled with God's love and peace
Where godly children are raised
Without compromises...
I want a Christian home

Also Read : The Ideal Groom

I'm looking for a love
not just any love
I want the God kind of love
filling a heart that beats
to the kingdom's rhythm
Holy Ghost saturated
The kind of love that can't be rated....
poured out, running over
like water in a glass
already full of good things
smooth as silk
yet tough as rope
wrapping around my soul
keeping it all together
with a room for me to be
  a woman
not just any woman
God's woman
whole and free
to love my man
the way I want him to love me
with a love
not just any love
but the God kind of love
rich as Jesus love for the church
pure as tried gold
the kind of love that can hold
onto my husband's hand
and God's hand at the very same time
delivered from all other ties that bind
and yes!
I'm free enough to wait....
for a man, not just any man
but the man, who understands 
and knows what love mean 
and live what God says...
and wants what I want 
       agape love.
            God's love.
I want a man that is true and strong.
I want a man that is caring and full of life.
A man that will take care of me and my children.
A husband to me and a father to our children.
A man that will nurture me to full potential and help me to become who God has called me to be.
A man that respects, deserves and loves me.
I want a man that fears God.
I want the will of God.

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Esther said…
You are on point ma.
Thank you for sharing

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