What is the Kingdom of God?

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you"(Matthew 6:33)
This particular scripture is often quoted but without understanding or right application. We love to quote it but it's hardly been applied in our day-to-day activities and decision making process probably because we don't really understand what the kingdom of God is, if we don't know the kingdom of God how can we seek what we don't know? If you are looking for something you don't know, would you be able to find it? Your answer is as good as my guess.

So, what is the kingdom of God? Let's muse on our main scripture from Message Translation "Matthew 6:33 Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met".
In Matthew 6:10, Jesus while teaching his disciples to pray said this; "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."
There is a literal kingdom which only those that does the will of the Father will have access to after here but there is a kingdom we are to seek while on earth to enter the kingdom which we are yet to see. When the Bible says; seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, the Bible is simply asking you to seek the will of God daily, in doing His will you will live righteously. The Bible is asking you to be God conscious everyday by studying and meditating on the word, praying and fasting, evangelising and declaring the goodness of God to all. This kingdom is ruled by the King of Kings, it has a lifestyle and Jesus is the way to that life.
Your life must be centered on God, everything you do should be for His glory then you are seeking the kingdom of God for when you do all these you see the reality of the kingdom in your endeavours and in everything you do. By so doing, His will, will be done in your life. We begin to enjoy the benefits even here on earth.
"Then all these things shall be added unto you" What are those things? Food, clothing, shelter, good health, peace of mind, prosperity etc. These are things that unbelievers seek which we don't have to seek, they are additions to us when we seek the kingdom first. That's why we struggle to have those things yet we don't get them because we misplace our priorities. As children of God, we are to seek God's kingdom. All other things are needed and necessary but don't seek them, seek God and you will get those other things. Am not writing stories, am writing reality, I have seen the reality of seeking the kingdom of God first and whenever I misplace my priority by seeking "all these things" I also lived to see the consequences of doing so. 
Please seek the will of God which is in line with righteousness which is right standing with God and man and you can't be right with God if you don't have Jesus.
I hope this blesses you!

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