Life is full of uncertainties. Growing up seems more fun with less worries than adulthood.

While growing up as a child you feel  loved, safe and secured by family, friends and relatives, with their love and support nothing seems impossible. You dream big dreams and hope to achieve them all but as you grow in age, knowledge and experience you begin to realise that life is not that easy. Like we frequently say; "if wishes were horses beggars will ride on it"

As you grow, you will discover that life is not just about dreaming but striving to live that dream no matter the obstacle you encounter on your way, you don't have to give up, you just have to live that dream no matter what. You need to keep having faith in God, believe in yourself, be determined and focused to achieve your goals and live your dreams.  
It may take a little or much longer time than you anticipated but if you remain focused, you'll achieve your dream and live it eventually. One day I'll live my dream because I will achieve them by God's grace because am not going to give up and I pray you achieve and live yours as well. 

You can also read: It's about how you finish

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Adeniyi Tolu said…
In every man's Canaan land there are giants. We have what it takes, we are well able.
Peaceable Peace said…
Yes! We are! Bless you

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