When last did you check up on someone? When last did you see a stranger crying and showed genuine concern? Everything is not about money. Some of us are so selfish that we can easily turn blind eyes on people's cry acting as though it's not our business. We give excuses that the country is not safe, that you can get killed for doing good. I would rather die doing good to the glory of God than sit silently while watching someone I could have easily helped get drowned.

Lately am getting emotionally bruised especially after getting to know what Ada Ameh suffered before her death. I can't explain the feeling but I knew it wouldn't have ended this way if people were actually there for her, yes Empress Njamah and her mother was there for her but that wasn't enough. What if someone had shown Ada true love? I mean what if Ada has heard about Jesus and handed over her burden, her pain and her worries to Him? What if she got to know that there is one person that truly cares for her and willing to take away her pains? While she was busy putting smiles on people's faces no one could take away her own pain, no one could also make her smile.

What does this tell you? Celebrities need Jesus as well. They are not okay, they are not fulfilled. They are lacking as long as Jesus is missing in their lives. There's a vacuum in their lives. Fame, money and power can't fill that vacuum.

The reality of mental health disorders makes it more of concern to me. People are going through a lot on their own. It's as though no one cares. People are losing their sanity. Please, can we be more caring?
I once wrote something I titled "Where are we headed?" and stated clearly that the system of this country is enough to make anybody go mad, that those of us that are still sane in this country are only sane by the grace of God. 

Something happened in my compound 2 days back, Yes, that was exactly 12am on Wednesday morning to break Thursday, I was awakened by the cry of a young girl, I couldn't ignore it, as soon as I woke up, I had to come out to check what was wrong. Some persons would say I took a great risk, yes I agree but it was a worthwhile risk. At least I had the opportunity to show that someone cared, and also to talk about Jesus and heaven and hell. At least, I did my part and I also gave the little support I could as was needed that night. 
It surprised me when I got to know the next day that some persons knew when the drama actually started but stayed back in their rooms because she was the one who came to visit her boyfriend in the midst of boys. There's no way I could have been able to go back sleeping peacefully while ignoring the cries of a young girl at midnight.

It is a call for us to care more! Reach out more. Let's spread God's love across. People are giving up and losing hope. Let's show by examples that Jesus takes away every pain, let's show them that Jesus is worth living for. Let's be the reason why someone would not want to give up yet. Be a source of encouragement to somebody today. 

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