The journey of my life (1)

This story will come in series every year!
On May 20th, precisely on a Tuesday some decades back, my pregnant mother was home alone and decided to take her bath later in the day and right there in the bathroom, without any sign of labour, pain or struggle, the little, innocent, pretty damsel came out and she screamed for help because she can't cut her umblical cord on her own. Fortunately, an elderly woman was around to help out and this little girl and mother was safe, born right at home without any medical help. While growing up, still very much tender, a snake came to the room one afternoon purposely to strike this little innocent girl as she slept but God brought her mother suddenly into the room and according to her the snake disappeared or so. 

She grew up to be the most intelligent but the one that suffered many infirmities too.

During her early teen, she went to the stream in disobedience and watching other cousins swim around deep areas while she couldn't made her feel bad, she pleaded with one of her cousins by name"Gold" to cross her to the deeper side which is meant for perfect swimmers or more matured ones, as soon as she backed her and crossed her over, she swam away in excitement without knowing that her cousin has started drowning but another teenage age mate of her's noticed and till today how she was able to save her remains a mystery. She had a small rapper that she always tie around her waist when swimming, they all do, she then asked her to throw a part of her rapper while she cling to the other part, how she managed to do that and how that rapper got to her is still a mystery, then she was rescued. 

At a point her poor mother had to send her to an aunt that raised her as if she were her own. Mummy Origi loved her e and treated her as one of her own. She lacked nothing living with her and she enrolled her in the best Secondary School in Elelenwo and one of the best in Port Harcourt if not the best.

That little girl met Jesus in November 2005 when Pastor Megida preached the gospel in it's simplicity but with power to her and God planted her in Chapel of Victory with wonderful Pastor's who also became her first spiritual parents. The Lord later took her to Scripture Union in 2010 and today she is rooted and built up in God. 

People always said that she is a special child and indeed as she grew, she is being unveiled in some many ways to be exceptionally special.

The journey of my life is a typical example of Grace.

Its still my month!
Happy Birthday to Peaceable Peace Manuchiso

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