Understanding our Father's kind of love

We will be starting by looking up Matthew 22:37-39
-Jesus said to him, "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind"
-This is the first and great commandment.
-And the second is like it: "You shall love your neighbour as yourself".

Have you ever wondered why you have to love God first before loving yourself and others? Why didn't God ask us to love ourselves first before loving Him? 

The two greatest commandment is Love God, then love your neighbour as yourself. Do you know why you have to love God first? Well, it's because we can't love ourselves outside God. You can't love yourself without loving and understanding the love of God.  Let me make this clear, loving oneself starts by loving God and we can't love our neighbours if we don't love God enough to allow Him teach us to love ourselves and then pass that same love to our neighbours because humans are selfish in nature but the love of God teaches you to be selfless that's why you can only love yourself and your neighbour when you first love God with everything in you and that's with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.

Certainly, this love is not a feeling, is not sex or romance or butterflies in the belly like we often watch in the movies, NO it's not!
It's a choice, it's a decision. It is lived intentional.
I use to think I will have butterflies in my belly when I fall in love with a man😂but I now know better. I have actually met some young men that I admired so much and was very attracted to but along the line I discovered that love is not just about how I feel about someone or what I admired about them. In reality, you may never have any physical attraction for the man or woman God will have you marry. In most cases, one party always had struggles accepting the man or the woman that is God's will but after marriage God begins to unravel His wonders in their lives. Honestly, anything that looks very enticing from the beginning may not really be God's will for you. 
God's perfect will is sometimes very difficult to accept from the onset but if we walk by sight we lose what He has in stock for us because most times where God is taking you to may look worst than where He is taking you from but if only you can just trust Him, you will never regret it. This is not only in marriage but in almost every area of one's life.

You can also read: What a beautiful word 'Love'

The Ways of the Pharisees
The Pharisees were great teachers of the law but they never practice what they teach. It means that they know the right thing but chose not to do it. Choice!
Does God see you as a Pharisee? It seems we have more Pharisees in our days than in Jesus days. Do you teach one thing and practice another? That's a terrible state and if you do, you are even worst than the original Pharisees because they rejected Christ but you pretending to have Christ still practice what Christ hates.
Father, help me to always practice what I teach in Jesus name amen
If you are wondering how I knew that the Pharisees teach right but live wrong, hear this from Jesus Himself👉🏾👉🏾
Matthew 23:2 "The religion scholars and Pharisees are competent teachers in God's Law.
:3 You won't go wrong in following their teachings on Moses. But be careful about following them. They talk a good line, but they don't live it. They don't take it into their hearts and live it out in their behavior. It's all spit-and-polish veneer. (Message)

So be very careful in following men, don't make any man your example because he has "the word", the Pharisees had "the word" too.
Apostle Paul having this understanding said, follow me as I follow Christ. It's not about having the word but living the word. Literally, Apostle Paul was saying, don't follow me if you don't see the life of Christ in me.

Preaching is easy but practicing it is hard.
We have a lot of religious people around, very rich in the Word, tongue speaking and prayerful but no likeness of Christ when you walk closely with them. 

Prayer: Father, may I never be a Pharisee in Jesus name. 
Take away any nature of the Pharisees in me in Jesus name amen.

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