By Peace Wobo
Why should you bless the Lord?
Blessing the LORD should be a deliberate act of every believer at all times because of the following reasons:
He forgives your sins.
He heals all your diseases.
He redeems your life from the Pit. It means He redeems you from hell.
He crowns you with steadfast love and mercy.
He satisfies you with good as long as you live.
And He renews your youth as the eagle's.
He works vindication and justice for you when oppressed.
He is merciful and gracious to you.
He is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
He does not deal with you according to your sins, nor does He requisite you according to your iniquities. Requisite is both an adjective and a noun, as an adjective it means "made necessary by particular circumstances or regulations". 
Great is His steadfast love towards everyone that fear.
Psalms 103 was a Psalm of David because he personally understood how much God loved him and how much God did for him.
That is why I intentionally used the reflexive pronoun 'you' in this write up so you can see how much, so much more that God does for you. So that you can deliberately reflect over all the things outlined and intentionally appreciate God knowing He deserves all your praise.

In the midst of this challenging times, economy is being affected globally, people are dying everyday especially more in Italy. As at Friday the 3rd of April CNN recorded 19,000 positive cases in Italy of which 14,681 of them are dead, gone and gone forever but you can read this because God kept you. Praise God and pray for nations of the world.
This is not the time to spread panicking rumours. Media has so much exalted coronavirus. Everybody seems to be talking about it. You can use your own time to praise and appreciate God and then intercede. People need your prayers now not your disturbing news or panicking rumours. So much has been aired and said, and so much more will be aired and said but this is the time we know those who know their God, who shall be strong and do exploits.
Child of God, do not entertain fear at this time, for fear is as a result of ignorance, you fear when you don't know that you are in charge of a situation. You got this one, just praise God and watch Him do wonders.
Only our praise and worship can bring down His presence to heal the world at a time like this. Let's be the voice that will bring down His presence.

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