The Ideal Groom

A man went to a marriage counsellor for advice, although not with the intention to make his ailing marriage better because he had already perfected plan to quit. He only wanted to seek counsel on how to hurt his wife as much as possible before he quits. After the man presented his case, the counsellor thought for a while and then said, "I have an idea. This is the way to really hurt her. For the next three months, treat her like a princess, love her, bring her flowers, buy her gifts, take her out for dinner, and do some of the house chores. Treat her like she's the most valued woman in the world. Then suddenly, you just leave. That will really upset her." The man smiled and agreed.

A few months later, the counsellor saw the man again by chance and asked, "so how's bachelor life treating you?" "What do you mean?" The man enquired with all seriousness. "I mean how has life been treating you after you dumped your wife?" the counselor insisted. You've got to be kidding, I'm married to the most wonderful woman in the world. The man replied.

Actually, what happened to the man in the illustration above was that following the counselors advice made him a better husband to his wife and also brought out the best he had never noticed in his wife. Little wonder it is said that woman is like a rose, if treated well, she blooms but if treated wrong, she wilts. So, if you desire an ideal wife, then, make sure you are the ideal groom. 

Some men have been so frustrated in their marriage to the point that they think the only viable option for them is to back out and like the character in the story above, the wife is usually assumed to be the cause. But thank God for few people like the counsellor who will counsel the men to beam the searchlight on themselves,  because there is also a likelihood that they too may have been less of an idea husband to their wives. Often, when people talk about building a happy home and making marriage work, they tend to lay so much emphasis on how the man must make sure he finds the ideal wife and how the woman must emulate the character of the Proverbs 31 woman and be perfect for her husband and children. They talk so much to the woman that it appears they're implying that men have no part or responsibility in ensuring a godly marriage and a happy home. if we will have happy homes where Jesus Christ is Lord and Master, then, we need more than ideal wives. We need ideal husbands too.

Extracted from Deeper-Life Christian Women's Mirror

Also Read: The Man to Marry
Look out for: Biblical Portrait of an Ideal Groom

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