By Peace Wobo
It is proven beyond doubt that the spiritual controls the physical. We can agree that God designed life in such a way that we understand Spiritual things  through physical things.
No wonder Jesus made this comment in John 3:12 (Amplified Bible) "If I have told you of things that happen right here on the earth and yet none of you believes Me, how can you believe (trust Me, adhere to Me, rely on Me) if I tell you of heavenly things?"
Any man who cannot understand how physical things work will never be able to understand how Spiritual things work and his life can easily be manipulated by forces. 
I was in church last night listening to our guest minister Bishop Joseph Ebhohimen who in the course of his ministration mentioned that "any stylist who stole relaxer from his/her employer will lose drier to his/her employees tomorrow. If you steal #10 today, #100 will be stolen from you tomorrow because every new way is senior to the old one".  This became very clear to me just by relating it to seed time and harvest.

Also Read: OT-verses-every-christian-should-quote.

Have you ever seen any farmer who harvested exactly what he planted? No! Now, I believe you can understand what am talking about. We always reap more than what we have sown.
A mango seed planted becomes a mighty tree bearing lots of fruit.
Any seed you plant can never remain the same at the time of harvest.
A little kindness you show today will produce great rewards of kindness in the future so also any bad seed you sow produces great harvest of wickedness to you in the future.

So, most things we go through in life is as a result of the seeds we have sown. Only sands of time will tell.
If you have been sowing wrongly, repent today and start sowing good seeds.
May the LORD reward all our good seeds and have mercy over every wrong seed we have sown ignorantly or even intentionally  in Jesus name. But don't forget, mercy can only can after repentance. Don't expect mercy if you continue in your wicked and evil ways.

Remain blessed!

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